We realize you were not born with that tail you’re now wearing,
and that a lot of this feels pretty new!
Trust us - we understand!
Over the years we’ve found the best way to ease concerns about swimming in your new tail, is to walk through some of the new feelings you may be having!
We’ve created this helpful FAQ list to address some of the commonly asked questions, but realize every mermaid, or merman is different! If we have not answered your questions below, please feel free to contact us - we’d love to talk story with you!
performing our Mermaid University class at the world famous fairmont kea lani resort in wailea
Q: Are your mermaid programs only for girls, or do you have programs for boys?
A: Both! Any student, boy or girl, has the option to wear either a mermaid / merman costume, or a shark costume. Both costumes (mermaid or shark) include swimming tail, dorsal fin, and swim goggles (mermaid costumes include a top).
Q: Do you offer private bookings, or just group classes?
A: Both! If you’re travel schedule won’t allow you to make a scheduled group class; or if you just want more dedicated time with the Mermaid instructor, we are always happy to accommodate private bookings! Additional charge of $100 per mermaid applies.
Q: What is the minimum age?
A: 4 years old! Most programs have a minimum age of 4, but for any pool or ocean adventure all participants regardless of age must be able to pass a basic swimming test - including treading water for 30 seconds, and holding breath for 15 seconds. There is no maximum age, and we even have ‘Mommy & Me’ and ‘Daddy & Me’ packages so the whole family can enjoy the unforgettable magic of mermaiding!
Q: Where are your activities held?
A: Multiple locations! Mermaids on Maui is licensed and insured to perform our activities at many public locations, and private venues around Maui. Please just let us know where you’re staying, and we are happy to recommend the location that best fits your needs, and will provide the most memorable experience! If you are staying at one of our partner resorts and would like to enroll in Mermaid University, or take advantage of our Resort Activities Program, please contact your Concierge Desk.
Q: I’m interested in signing my child up for your Mermaid Adventure, but wondered what will they actually be doing?
A: Everything! Students learn how to swim, dive, spin, and change direction underwater in their new tail, and what its like to be a real live mermaid! During this choreographed underwater adventure our mermaid and her assistant will share their knowledge of Hawaiian culture, mermaid folklore, and marine life such as turtles, dolphins, whales, and other friendly animals! And most importantly - you will learn how we as Mermaids and Mermen can help protect them by being responsible ocean conservationists! If the adventure is conducted in a pool the instructor will use ocean themed pool safe props and accessories to simulate shells, marine animals, and coral caves in a staged ocean environment.
Q: Is the equipment I’ll be using rental gear, or does each student keep their mermaid, merman, or shark costume?
A: Your choice! Our packages are designed so that you have the option to keep your tail, top, mono-fin swim blade, and fins if you like, and we encourage you to continue making mermaid memories wherever your travels may take you!
Q: Is my tail heavy, and will it cause me to sink; or does it help me float?
A: Neither! Your tail is slightly neutrally buoyant, and will not cause you to sink, or float. Depending upon your swimming ability, we may recommend steps to improve your buoyancy through the use of additional flotation devices.
Q: Will I be able to breathe underwater?
A: Unfortunately, No! Just because you are now a mermaid, merman, or shark does not mean your physical anatomy, or your physiological functions have changed - you still do not have gills! Whether in the pool, or in the ocean your breathing during this experience should be the same as if you were swimming or snorkeling.
Q: Is this safe for me, or my child? Are your instructors licensed, certified, and insured?
A: OF COURSE! We pride ourselves on making safety our #1 priority at all times, and have performed our services thousands of times without a single incident. We do however, of course recognize that any physical activity carries an inherent risk, and all participants are required to sign a standard medical release, and liability waiver. Mermaids on Maui is licensed, certified, and insured to perform all of the services described herein; and each of our Mermaids, Swim Instructors, and Photographers maintain Advanced First Aid Certifications (adult, child, infant), Emergency First Responder Certifications, and are P.A.D.I. Certified Divers.
Q: I’d like to book a mermaid photo session - do you provide hair styling or makeup?
A: Unfortunately, No! Although we provide all costumes, equipment, jewelry, and accessories, we do not provide hair styling or makeup application; and recommend you arrive to your scheduled photo session with your hair and makeup already complete. If you need a referral for a hair stylist or makeup artist while on Maui, we are happy to recommend one!
Q: What makes your photos so good? These are amazing!
A: Mahalo! Mermaids on Maui shoots only top of the line Canon bodies and glass with Ikelite housings; and our team of photographers have literally shot millions of underwater photos in Maui waters over the years. We are experts in using light rays, reef structure, and marine life in our composition, and can often times provide helpful tips to improve your underwater movement, or posing.
Q: What can I do to be a more responsible mermaid, and help protect our oceans?
A: Mahalo for asking! We ask that you never enter the water with chemical sunscreen, makeup, body lotion, skincare, or haircare products that could damage this fragile ecosystem. Please do not ever walk or stand on the coral reef, or touch, chase, or harass any marine wildlife - and always observe them from a safe and respectful distance. Take only memories, and leave only bubbles!
Our Mermaid Pool Adventures are designed for children age 4 and up - and are sure to be the hit of their vacation!